
PLU Information

Approved PLU activities can only be assigned to one PLU number.

Conference/Training fees must be paid before PLU can be awarded.

Click to schedule your 15-min review

Download list of all current PLU checklists.

CLAS PLU Standard 1Standard I

Planning for Continuous Improvement

  • PLUACLD1252 
    CLAS: Supporting Continuous Improvement in Schools & Districts

  • PLUACLD1054
    Equipping Leaders to Create Positive Cultures

PLU Standard 2: Teaching and LearningStandard II

Teaching and Learning

  • PLUACLD1056
    CLAS:  Aspiring Administrators Leadership Academy 2023-2024 Cohort

  • PLUACLD1055 
    CLAS: Engaging Leaders to Advance Teaching & Learning


Standard 3 Human Resources Development Standard III

Human Resources Development

  • PLUACLD1212
    CLAS: Partnerships to Improve Pre-K-3 Principal Leadership 
    NAESP Pre-K-3 Leadership Academy 2024-2025 Cohort 
  • PLUACLD1230 
    CLAS: Supporting Instructional Leaders
    2024-2025 CIL Cohort 
  • PLUACLD1253 
    CLAS and Rhodes Branding: How to Brand Your District for Success


CLAS PLU Standard 4 Diversity Standard IV


  • PLUACLD1254
    CLAS:Diverse Cultures & Learning Environments

CLAS PLU Standard 5 Standard V

Community & Stakeholder Relationships

CLAS PLU Standard 7 Standard VII

Management of the Learning Organization

  • PLUACLD1259
  • CLAS: Promoting Effective Management in Schools & Districts
    CLAS and ALA-CASE: Novice Special Education Coordinator 2024-2025
  • PLUACLD1257
    CLAS and ALA-CASE: LEArn and LEAd: LEA Representative Leadership Training
  • PLUACLD1213
    CLAS and ALA504 2024
  • PLUACLD1204
    CLAS and AASPA 2024

CLAS PLU Standard 8 Ethics Standard VIII


  • PLUACLD1183
    CLAS: Leaders Building Schools of Character