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Webinar Series for Alabama School Leaders

Join us for a groundbreaking webinar series tailored specifically for Alabama school leaders seeking to elevate their leadership skills and amplify their school's brand. In partnership with CLAS and Rhodes Branding, this series offers a unique opportunity to delve into the strategic aspects of branding, marketing, and engagement in an educational context.

PLUACLD1253 - Available to Active CLAS Members Only

Registration Fee: $50 (Includes ALL Sessions)

It's Your Brand - Own It! Defining, Owning & Amplifying Your District Brand

September 4, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

2024.09.04-Its Your Brand-Title Slide

More than just a logo, your district’s brand represents your culture and values - what sets you apart from the rest. In our first session, we’ll cover branding basics, how strong branding impacts student enrollment and staff recruitment in an increasingly competitive K-12 space, and how to define and “own” your district’s brand.

We’ll guide participants through understanding and developing a value proposition, discuss strategies to amplify a K-12 brand, and share case studies of educational institutions that successfully showcase their brands.

Focus Area(s): Branding & Marketing | Competition

Generational Hiring in the K-12 Sector: Winning Brand Strategies to Attract Diverse Talent

October 2, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

2024.10.02-Generational Hiring-Title Slide

As Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z coexist in the workforce, understanding generational differences is key to successful hiring. Using insights from top brands and K-12 case studies, we’ll uncover effective strategies to attract, hire, and retain talent across generations.

Uncover how generational understanding can help you build a diverse, inclusive, and dynamic workforce, leading to improved employee satisfaction and a more effective school environment. Equip your school district with winning strategies to attract and retain a multigenerational workforce, directly improving your overall school performance.

Focus Area(s): Recruitment & Retention | Stakeholder Engagement | Branding & Marketing

Leveraging Authentic Narratives & Competitive Storytelling

November 6, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

2024.11.06-Leveraging Authentic Narratives-Title Slide

Storytelling isn’t all Aesop’s Fables, and it’s more than simply churning out content. It’s a tool for schools and districts to connect with current and prospective students and families, and illustrate how they stand out from the competition.

In this session, we’ll cover how K-12 districts can use brand storytelling as a marketing tool, using resources at hand to find and amplify authentic narratives and craft stories that resonate with key audiences.

Focus Area(s): Brand Storytelling | Branding & Marketing

How to Build Your Personal Professional Brand to Amplify K-12 Success

January 8, 2025 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

2025.01.08-How to Build Your Personal Brand-Title Slide

Whether you’re a principal running a school, a superintendent overseeing the district, or a departmental director over talent management or curriculum, you’re an educator with goals to lead and advance in the K-12 community. You have a desire to advocate for K-12 leadership and for the education community in general.

By building and maintaining a strong, professional personal brand in the K-12 space, you can position yourself – and the schools you serve – for success. Learn how in this interactive webinar with K-12 branding, marketing, and communications experts.

Focus Area(s): Stakeholder Engagement | Branding & Marketing

What Can K-12 Recruiters Learn from the World's Biggest Brands?

February 5, 2025 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

2025.02.025-What Can K-12 Recruiters Learn-Title Slide

Your schools are shaping futures, offering vital services, and fostering community every day. But are all your benefits fully understood and utilized by potential employees? In this presentation, we will explore people strategy and take a look at how some of the world’s most notable companies position their brands to prospective employees and leverage marketing to take their recruiting and retention efforts to the next level.

We’ll explore strategies in the major phases of the employee lifecycle – from candidate, to new hire, to employee – and analyze how branding can directly impact your ability to attract, onboard and engage your employees. Join Rhodes Branding as we demonstrate how tailored marketing will help you build a brand that sticks out among the competition.

Focus Area(s): Recruitment & Retention | Stakeholder Engagement | Branding & Marketing

Aligning School PR & Marketing to Drive Results

March 5, 2025 | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

2025.03.05-Aligning School PR+Marketing-Title Slide

Both public relations and marketing are practices that raise awareness, move individuals to decision or action, and connect with key audiences. But they are not the same thing!

While they may be used in tandem to achieve shared goals, they have different focuses, strategies, and tactics. By differentiating between the two and exploring successful synergies in K-12 PR and marketing, we'll guide school leaders in understanding how to more effectively utilize strategies to promote their schools, engage with students and families, and build trust.

Focus Area(s): PR & Communications | Marketing | Stakeholder Engagement

Featured Speakers

Molly McGowan Gorsuch, APR

Molly is the liaison between education leaders and Rhodes Branding, connecting the K-12 community with services designed to accelerate performance and market position. She leads content and partner engagement strategy and is a frequent conference presenter and podcast/blog guest. Prior to Rhodes, Molly led communication and public relations for a mid-size public school district.

Dan Wyar

Dan manages the daily operations at Rhodes Branding and leads the agency’s primary areas of practice. With over 15 years of experience in branding, marketing, and public relations within the education sector, Dan has helped more than 100 institutions in developing and implementing strategies that increase visibility, strengthen enrollment, and transform their brands.

Ginny Kowalski

Employing a depth of marketing expertise in both higher education and K-12 education, Ginny develops end-to-end marketing strategies focused on K-12’s most critical metrics related to enrollment, recruitment, fundraising, brand reputation, and more. She leads the Client Success team, ensuring partnerships and approaches align with clients’ key objectives.
