

The CLAS Leadership Award is presented annually to a CLAS member who has exhibited leadership in his or her affiliate and at the state level.  Award nominations are made by each of the CLAS affiliates and judging is conducted by members of the CLAS Awards Committee.  The winner and other nominees are recognized and presented with a plaque during the CLAS Annual Convention.

View Past Winners

2023 Winner

Brigett Stewart, AAESA
Piedmont Elementary School
Piedmonth City Schools

2023 Nominees

Nominations are made by the CLAS Board of Directors

Bob Lawry, AAPASS

Andrea Dennis, AASSP

Laura Parker, ACND

Resia Brooks, AASPA

Ross Reed, AAMSP

Brigett Stewart, AAESA

Charla DeLeo, ALA-CASE

Diane Sheriff, ALA-504