
Jason Flatt Act

Aug 23, 2019 by User Not Found

In 2016 Governor Robert Bentley signed the Jason Flatt Act into law. This made Alabama the 18th state to pass the Jason Flatt Act since 2007. The bill was sponsored by Senator Gerald Allen of Alabama Senate District 11. (View Act)

The effective date: May 10, 2016

Major components of the legislation area:
1. Amend Section 16-26B-8, Code of Alabama 1975.
2. The Department of Education shall adopt rules to require that all Certificated Public School Personnel receive annual training in suicide awareness and prevention.
3. The Department of Education will develop a list of approved training materials to fulfill the requirements of the act which may include training materials currently being used by a local school system if such training materials satisfy the criteria established by the department.
4. This training may be provided within the framework of existing in­-service training programs or as a part of required professional development offered by the local school system. Approved materials may include programs that can be completed through self-review of suitable suicide prevention materials.
5. Each local school system shall adopt a policy on student suicide prevention. The polices shall be developed in consultation with school and community stakeholders, school employed mental health
,professionals, and suicide prevention experts, and, at a minimum, shall address procedures relating to suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.