
Jamari T. Williams Student Harrassment Act

Bullying is bad, very bad. Don't do it.
Aug 23, 2019 by Alyssa Godfrey
In 2018 Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed the Jamari Terrell Williams Student Harassment Act to places certain responsibilities on the Board of education to make sure cyberbullying and bullying will not be tolerated on or off campus or online. (View Act)

Effective Date: May 21, 2018

Major Components of the legislation are:
Amend Sections 16-28B-l, 16-283-2, 16-283-3, 16-28B-4, and 16-283-5, Code of Alabama 1975 
Section 1: Bullying, Intimidation, Violence, and Threats of Violence Prohibited 
Section 2: Definitions 
Section 3: Description of Behavior Expected of Students 
Section 4: Consequences for Violations 
Section 5: Reporting, Investigation, and Complaint Resolution Procedures 
Section 6: Promulgation of Policy and Related Procedures, Rules, and Forms 

Sample Model Policy
Sample School System Complaint Form

Other resources: 
ALSDE Bullying Resources
Best Practices in Bullying Prevention