
Skyline School

May 19, 2023 by Anita Reid

School of Distinction Award


Jackson County Schools

Principal, Mr. Josh Wright

Superintendent, Mr. Jason Davidson

The What I Need (W.I.N.) program at Skyline School was designed to help students in grades K-5 overcome personal deficiencies in reading. Each classroom teacher administered a one-on-one common assessment (W.I.N. screener) with each student.  The screener was analyzed by both the classroom teacher and the reading specialist to identify each student's reading deficiency. The reading specialist used this information to create W.I.N. groups. Examples of W.I.N. group categories included letter sounds, long vowels, vowel teams, consonant digraphs, blends, prefixes and suffixes, multisyllabic words, and comprehension. The reading specialist assigned each classroom teacher a particular skill to teach during W.I.N. group. Since W.I.N. groups were based on students’ individual deficiencies, multi-grade groupings were necessary. Students participated in W.I.N. groups from 8:00-8:30 each morning and were reassessed after four weeks. Once reassessed, new W.I.N. groups were determined. The process was repeated every four weeks. By identifying each student's deficiency, teachers at Skyline School were able to provide each student with what he/she needed to become a successful reader.